Sunday, April 27, 2008

Goodbye Jacoby! (Long Time No Post)

So after some hectoring in Denver from a certain bearded uncle of ours, I've decided to break the silence and begin posting again. I know all of you will miss looking at the boys looking at the taco, but it's time for a change.
Speaking of changes, for those that haven't heard, we are having a baby and the due date is now October 24. It seems like it gets moved up every time we see the doctor, so we could be looking at another October 16 baby!
I haven't posted in a while, but not much is new around here. Jenny and I moved to Cody in December (with gas at $3.47 a gallon, that seems like a good idea at this point. Gas is now more expensive than milk at $3.30 a gallon, top scientists in the Warner household are working on a milk-powered engine. So far, no breakthroughs.) Jenny is still teaching and I'm still pretending to be an electrician. I am now officially halfway done with the schooling and am looking forward to a summer break from "studying."
In other news, we didn't get many good pics from the Frozen Four in Denver. But here is what we did get. That's all for now, more to follow later.


gardenboy said...

Glad to have you back online. I like your new picture with your friend Hobey!!

Moody Family said...

It is nice to see you are blogging once again. Congrats on the baby and it looks like Denver was a blast. Take care....