Sunday, March 1, 2009

What a Mess!

Guess it is time to update you all in the life of Kylie. She is now four and a half months old and we have added solid foods to her meal schedule! It isn't much, just a little rice cereal, but it is the funniest thing we have seen in her short life! Meal time is quite the production!

Luckily we have a huge supply of bibs for the little messy marvin!

She sure is proud of the messes she is making. Maybe we will have to invest in a high chair soon to help contain the mess. We can't believe how fast she is growing! (13.2 pounds, and 26 inches!)

Things are going great in our little family, each day brings new surprises (as foretold by many of our friends and family) and we are just taking every moment in and loving it.

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

great pictures....they really made me laugh!