Thursday, March 22, 2007

All the news that's fit to print.

Well, I wish that every post on here could be funny and about something humorous that happened to me during work. But unfortunately, real life doesn't work that way. Jenny found out yesterday that her contract with Burlington will not be renewed next fall, which means she'll no longer be teaching there. She's pretty upset about it and I can't say that I blame her.

It's pretty hard to believe that Big Horn County School District could be that hard up for money, but I'm not here to pass judgement on the school district. I know that all of those preschoolers love Jenny and I have no doubt that their first school experience was a positive one that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. Jenny is a great teacher and I have no doubt that she will be teaching somewhere else in the fall. It's too bad that it won't be where she started her career, but that's Burlington's loss.

Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

Moody Family said...

Sorry to hear about the news, but something good will come around.