Thursday, March 29, 2007

Snow Day

I guess you could say that the one good thing about commuting to work is that when the roads are bad, you get the day off. I was pretty excited this morning when my phone rang and I was told that school was canceled due to the freak snow storm. I changed back into pajamas and slept for a few more hours. I was excited to have the day off. The key word being was. It is really boring staying home by yourself. I have found nothing on television to hold my attention. My cat thinks that since I am home that I am to pay attention to her non-stop. Because of the winter weather, our hot water is luke-warm, so taking a relaxing bath turned into more of a quick dip. I feel sorry for my husband who had to drive to Cody and is probably outside working in this cold weather. I feel bad for anyone who had to travel on the ice covered roads. As Lori reported in her blog, four wheel drive is a necessary commodity for travel in this weather. I hope that all who traveled today make it home safe. I would post pictures of what the weather looks like here, but I took my camera to my classroom yesterday to take pictures of the kids when we made cookies, so it is still residing on my desk, in Burlington. So unfortunately you'll just have to take my word about the snow covering my car and the roads here in Powell. This post has eased the boredom for a few minutes, so I will end it and try to find something else to get me through the day. Enjoy the weather!

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